WE THINK THE saying went: “You can’t really understand another person’s experience until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” Not “walked a mile in their boobs”. Just a thought.
German radio DJs John and Rasheed (of the Berlin radio station JAM FM) got themselves some temporary ‘breasts’ for a day so they could experience life as women.
The pair were injected with saline solution by a cosmetic surgeon, which gave them C-cups for 24 hours only.
The men were then fitted with bras, experienced having breasts at the gym, and generally learned what it was like to have an (almost) feminine physique for a day.
The Mirror UK reports that they were not too impressed with bras, saying:
Bras are torture and every woman should get a medal for wearing these monsters.
Too right.
One also admitted he felt “small” when people openly gawped at his chest. But it was easy to leave it all behind – the swellings were completely gone after two days.
Here’s the full video of their exploits:
Oh lads. You think you know now, but you really have no idea.